When I started writing about
cinema almost eighteen months ago, there was one film above all others which I
was nervous to write about. A year and a half, over five hundred reviews and
approximately 470,000 words later, the same film was still looming large over
me. That film was Martin Scorsese’s Taxi
Driver, my favourite of all time. The unease came from two perspectives. On
the one hand I didn’t feel as though my writing, limited in experience and
knowledge as I am, could do it justice while I was also conscious about penning
a review which ran for thousands of words and which no one would have the
interest or time to read. It wasn’t until earlier this week when a friend said
with some surprise that he couldn’t find Taxi Driver on my A-Z that I thought that time to review it had come. So
with the added expectation of an audience waiting, I sat down to watch my
favourite film once again.
Within ten seconds of the film
starting, a bright, broad smile shone across my face. The entire film came back
to me within the first few frames and I began to think ahead to the magnificent
scenes which were to follow over the coming hour and fifty minutes. My
excitement grew as the quickening snare and saxophone of Bernard Hermann’s
score rose to meet the opening shot of a New
York taxi appearing from behind a column of steam.
The movie creates an off-kilter sensation within these first few seconds and
it’s a feeling which continues to ride throughout the movie. The opening titles
are a deep shade of blood red and forebode the bloodshed to come. The closeness
of the taxi as it brushes past the static camera also creates a sense of
excitement and danger and the jumping; out of focus lights as seen from inside
the taxi make the viewer try in vain to pinpoint something recognisable. The
eye darts across the screen in search of an image to grasp but is left wanting.
Wanting that is until Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) walks out of the steam and
into a taxi office.
Travis Bickle doesn’t give much
away in his opening encounters with the office employee. He’s a man who has
trouble sleeping and is looking for a job as a way of filling his sleepless
nights. Although Bickle himself doesn’t come across as anything special in this
early scene, Martin Scorsese continues the unsettling feeling with his camera
work. There is an argument in the back of shot between two drivers, something
which distracts the viewer’s and Bickle’s eye. These eyes are of course, one
and the same as the entire movie is filmed from Bickle’s perspective. We the
viewer are literally inside his head, witnessing what he witnesses. The
off-camber feeling is further exemplified in this opening exchange through the
positioning of a dispatcher who is sat behind Bickle. He is much too high and
this creates an awkward, claustrophobic feeling to the scene. Once Travis has
his orders he leaves the office and ventures into the garage where he can
survey his world. Here Scorsese does something interesting with his camera once
more. As Bickle exits camera right, the camera itself pans left, surveying the
taxi driver’s new world. It continues to pan about three hundred degrees until
it again finds Bickle, still looking at his new world.
As Travis Bickle we see the only
the grime and filth of city of New
York. Bickle writes in his diary about his hopes for a
rain to come and wash all the filth into the sewer and it is indeed a dirty
city. The thing is of course that even in the 1970s, New York had its beauty. Bickle is
predisposed to searching for the dirt and grunge the city throws up and as a
result he actively goes out in search of it. He admits to being one of the few
drivers who’ll work “anytime, anywhere”, including the down and out areas of
the city to which few other drivers will venture. Through his eyes we see the
darkest reaches of the soot covered, trash littered city, teaming with pimps,
pushers and prostitutes, the very people who Bickle despises and the very
people he picks up in his taxi. To me New
York City is the greatest city on the planet. I’ve
done my fair share of travelling and have never been to a city like it. Its
vibrancy, the noise, the dirt, all of it excites me. New York is an assault on the senses but to
Travis Bickle, it has a somewhat more pungent bouquet. There’s no doubting that
the city has changed in the last forty years. When I was in Times
Square a couple of months ago I saw in the wake of drug peddlers
and porn cinemas, tourists, sailors and a naked cowboy. The city has been
sanitised and Bickle’s dream of washing all the dirt away has in fact, on the
surface at least, come to fruition.

Travis’ attempts to clean up New York appear via his endeavours
to dispose of the father figures of two of the city’s daughters. As the film
progresses towards its messy conclusion, the central character becomes more and
more dishevelled. His actions become more spontaneous and unpredictable and his
outward appearance matches his interior, becoming noticeably more sweaty and
with bags under his eyes. The Betsy character is introduced to the dark movie
almost as an angel. Her flowing white dress and pearl white smile is captured
in slow motion as she enters the movie for the first time. This is of course
how Bickle sees her and it is his wish to save her from the hell in which he
believes she finds herself. When it becomes clear that she doesn’t want saving
and his attempts fail, he moves onto a more obvious victim of the devilish
city, the underage prostitute Iris (Jody Foster). Iris displays a street-smart
and adult sensibility which is far beyond her years but to Bickle, is a girl trapped
by the dirty claws of the city. He takes it upon himself to be the one to free
her from its grasp and return her to normality, something which he himself
doesn’t experience. His interactions with Iris capture Travis at his most
normal and most honest. His attempts to save her appear honest and his
intentions are true. These intentions though eventually manifest in turning the
anti-hero into a murderer.
The character’s unease and
paranoia eventually lead him to arm himself. Rather than carrying a single gun
or a knife like some of the other drivers, Bickle buys an arsenal of guns which
he straps to himself and admires in the film’s most iconic scene. The “Are you
talkin’ to me?” scene was originally written as “Travis talks to himself in the
mirror” in the script but fleshed out by De Niro to produce one of the most
famous scenes in movie history. Fame aside, it captures the character following
a change. Still lonely and alienated, he now feels powerful and brave. His
puffed out chest and arrogant expression mark a noticeable alteration in his
character and start him down the path towards the film’s climax. It’s shortly
after this scene that another change in the character is first revealed. This
change is more striking and is revealed wonderfully by the director. At a rally
for Presidential nominee Charles Palatine, the camera tracks across the crowd
at waist level before stopping at a familiar looking jacket; Travis Bickle’s
jacket. Bickle’s hands fumble in his pockets and he takes out a bottle of pills.
Having taken one in his hand, he quickly brings it up to his face as the camera
follows sharply. It is then revealed that his hair has been shaved into a
drastically ominous Mohawk. The cleverness and surprise behind this reveal is
as effective as the haircut itself and is further proof of the character’s
spiral towards something big and something bloody.
The film’s ending is an
incredible barrage of sound, colour and movement, hemmed into a claustrophobic
space. Bickle takes it upon himself to save Iris and becomes a one man army,
assaulting the tenement building which is home to a brothel. The scene was
unfortunately de-saturated in post production in order to get past the censors
and as a result the colours don’t quite look right. Despite this the sequence
is still full of impact and the rampage is quick, realistic and exciting. It’s
obvious from the outset that this is a kamikaze mission and the resignation in
the character’s face when it doesn’t turn out as he planned is obvious. The
scene features some clever special effects which look good for the era and
budget and De Niro’s performance is magnificent. The scene ends with a
beautiful tracking shot from the ceiling, detailing the destruction that has
come before it. The shot from above is something that is repeated several times
in the film and is often associated with desks. Whenever a desk is in shot,
Scorsese turns the mundane into something interesting with the use of the
top-down tracking shot. In the final scene he reverses this as if to suggest
the carnage below is somehow mundane in the same way as the paperwork from
earlier scenes. This comment on and normality of violence is something which
would present itself in many of Scorsese’s later films. The newspaper clippings
on the wall of the very final shot also speak to the media’s fascination with
the macabre and their celebritising of criminality, a trend which has only
quickened in the years since the film’s release.

Taxi Driver is famous for many things but one of the most obvious
is Robert De Niro’s performance. A friend said yesterday that he considers it
the best of all time and you’d be hard pressed to think of any better. De Niro
doesn’t play Travis Bickle, he is Travis Bickle. He was spotted by producers
Julie and Michael Phillips in Scorsese’s MeanStreets and the couple decided that they wanted the pair for Taxi Driver. De Niro began the movie on
the back of his Oscar winning performance as Vito Corleone in The Godfather Part II but threw himself
into the role with gusto. Having spent time on an American military base in Italy he picked up the non distinct Mid-West
accent which he would adopt as Travis Bickle and began working as a cab driver
in New York
for research. His performance is so intense and believable that he scared his
co-stars. Cybill Shepherd has spoken that she found De Niro difficult to work
with because he wasn’t Robert De Niro, he was the character and Albert Brooks
has stated that the two wouldn’t talk on set because their characters wouldn’t
talk in the movie. The attention to detail in the performance is mesmerising
and you occasionally forget that you are actually watching an actor, let alone
one as recognisable as De Niro. He doesn’t hide behind makeup or excess muscle
or fat as in Raging Bull but is on
display at all times and yet he is still hidden, hidden inside Travis Bickle.
Aside from the star, the movie is
like an acting master class with awe-inspiring performances coming from every
quarter. Scorsese regular Harvey Keitel puts in a memorable, natural and deeply
researched performance as Iris’ pimp ‘Sport’. Like De Niro, his attention to
detail and understanding of the character’s motivation create a mesmerising
performance for a character than has only three scenes. Despite his five
minutes of screen time, he is more memorable than 95% of movie characters I’ve
seen before or since. Jodie Foster was just thirteen when called upon to play
the preteen prostitute Iris. Despite her gangly, tom boy looks she creates a
believable character and obviously had an adult head on her child’s body. Her
ability to play against the likes of Keitel and De Niro should not be
overlooked as many of the adult cast were put off by the two method actors.
Cybill Shepherd had a difficult role, playing innocence in a film full of
guilt. Her reactions to the developments though are spot on. Perhaps it was her
natural uncomforted feeling that came through but the look on her face as she
gazes at the porn cinema screen is one of the acting highlights in a film full
of world-class performances. Even the director gets in on the action with two
cameos. His second, a speaking part, was intended for another actor but he had
to pull out due to an injury on another film. Scorsese’s dark, troubled
performance of a character not unlike Bickle sends chills down the spine. It’s
a shame that Scorsese didn’t act more in his younger days.
Though not an actor, the city of New York is most
definitely a vital character. Early talk of filming the movie in another city
was fought by Scorsese and Schrader who recognised that New York was as much a part of the film as
the taxi or as Travis Bickle. Bickle’s New
York has an almost otherworldly look to it. Its filth
filled streets reminded me of a cinematic post apocalyptic wasteland, the sort
of city that could feature in a sci-fi movie about a distant future in which
society has been lost. I was reminded a little of Blade Runner in that the city has a dystopian look to it, a never
ending, dirt filled, pornographer’s paradise in which anything goes and nothing
is policed. Like Ridley Scott’s sci-fi, there is also a noir quality to the
movie. It’s hard to imagine that the same city became, just thirty years later,
the New York
of Will and Grace, Sex and the City and Friends. In a way I wish I’d had a
chance to see Bickle’s New York.
I love the look of decaying beauty and New
York after the decline of industry and before the
regeneration of the 1990s had that look. We’re fortunate that it was captured
on film by the likes of Scorsese, Allen and Lumet.
As I’ve wittered on for the last
3,000 words I’ve left little more to be said about Taxi Driver. What started as a review has, as I feared, turned into
a written lecture and I need to stop before I start thinking of turning my
review into a book. For me Taxi Driver
is the best film ever made. The script, direction, score,
cinematography, acting, lighting, everything are perfect. I cannot think of a
single camera angle, nose twitch or music cue that I’d alter and urge anyone
and everyone to watch the film. If you’ve seen it, watch it again. If you own
it, lend it to a friend who has yet to watch it. Taxi Driver is a high watermark in the careers of Martin Scorsese
and Robert De Niro and that statement alone should speak to its excellence.
Great review! I have only seen the film once, but it was strange when I did because despite the depressing feel of the movie I felt much better after I watched it.
ReplyDeleteI never realized the thing with the desks though, that's brilliant! I remember marveling at that shot from above looking down on all the carnage but I didn't realize it in other parts of the movie.... I must look for that next time I watch the film!
Thanks. There's little things about the film that I only picked up on after my second, third or even forth viewing.
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ReplyDeleteTaxi Driver is a classic film that delves into the psyche of an isolated and disillusioned man, Travis Bickle, who becomes a New York City taxi driver. Directed by Martin Scorsese, the film is known for its gripping portrayal of loneliness, mental health struggles, and societal detachment. With standout performances and memorable lines, Taxi Driver is widely regarded as a cinematic masterpiece.
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