"I once fought two days with an arrow through my testicle"

This was the second Ridley Scott film I watched today having
watched Alien for the first time this
morning. Kingdom of Heaven is not
anywhere near as good as that. The first thing I’ll say is that the sets looked
sumptuous and were well dressed. The costume also looked good and the special
effects were on the whole excellent, despite the odd dodgy shot. The acting was
also generally quite good. Charisma vacuum Orlando Bloom was actually alright
but still far from the screen presence that a role like this requires. He is joined
by a fantastic cast which includes Eva Green, Jeremy Irons, David Thewlis, Brendan
Gleeson, Michael Sheen, Ghassan Massoud and an almost unrecognisable Edward
Norton. Had I not looked at the cast beforehand I honestly wouldn’t have known
he was in the film. Marton Csokas was a bit of a let down on the acting front.