This is a film that is best seen without hearing anything
about it so I will try to keep spoilers separate and in red ink.

The film opens a bit unexpectedly
with two men in suits talking about a scenario that they are currently dealing
with. Then we get to meet the five young people who are at the centre of the
story. Apart from occasional cuts back to the scientists who give very little
away about what they are doing the action remains conventional as the group set
off to the woods. On the way they stop at a scary looking gas station and meet
an equally scary, Wrong Turn looking
man who insults them and warns them about the Cabin. The group arrive at the
cabin and get the feeling that something isn’t right when one of the rooms
turns out to contain a two way mirror. And that isn’t the half of it! After a
night of drinking they stumble upon the cabin’s cellar and from then on things
become very strange indeed.
Much of the action is as you’d
expect. There are long periods of quiet and fumbling around in the dark then
short, sharp scares. The characters are also what you’d expect, from the
slightly slutty blonde, to the funny stoned guy and the shy virgin. The script
is funny and isn’t too cheesy.
After the cellar scene the whole
genre is subverted. The film draws from the likes of Scream, The Evil Dead and The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre and even shares themes with The Hunger Games and The Truman Show but is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Unfortunately
the opening titles give away a little too much for my liking but there is still
more than enough suspense and intrigue. The film is like a puzzle which the
audience has to try to unravel, combining ancient legends and practices with a
modern Big Brother style subplot.

This is a really original horror
that almost reinvents the genre. There is an awful lot to like about it. It is
funny, a little bit scary (though not overly so) and it is very well made by
people who obviously know about and love the genre. What people will remember
though is the twist and reveals and I’d recommend it to anyone. As well as looking into the traditional horror themes, it
also turns the camera on the audience and looks at our relationship with
reality television and our desensitisation towards death and violence which I
think is an interesting idea.