Its 1873 and a man (Daniel Craig) wakes up in the desert of
Arizona Territory with a strange metal bracelet
on his wrist. He doesn’t know who or where he is and is soon attacked by a
posse of outlaws. After disposing of his attackers he rides to Absolution where
he is again set upon and ends up in Jail. While being transported to another
facility, the entire town is attacked from the air by unidentified crafts. It
transpires that Absolution is under attack by aliens who are abducting the
townsfolk and the man along with local rich man Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison
Ford), bar owner Doc (Sam Rockwell) and a mysterious woman called Ella (Olivia
Wilde) set out to track the aliens and save the towns people.
There was a lot said at the time the film was released that
it was a ridiculous idea to have cowboys battling aliens but to me it is no
more ridiculous than having an alien film set in the modern day and is a
refreshing take on the genre. The Western sets and costumes look great and most
of the cast fit the bill of Wild West inhabitants. The only person who doesn’t is
Olivia Wilde who looks completely out of place with salon shaped eyebrows and GHD
straightened hair. While Craig and Ford et al look the part in their costumes,
her tight and clingy dress doesn’t look right either. I think her look was
misjudged in an obvious attempt to attract a teenage male audience.
Jon Favreau’s direction is fine and he balances the fast
paced sci-fi action with the slower western style of wide open vistas and gruff
dialogue. The aliens are also well designed and look scary in enclosed spaces.
When out in the open they lose their menace slightly but still look good.
I thought that the acting was also fine. Daniel Craig
produces a convincing accent and suits the role. Harrison Ford is also good and
seems well suited to the role he is playing. Sam Rockwell is under used and
Olivia Wilde does well in her few scenes in which she has to act. The
supporting cast is excellent and helps to fill out the Old West world that the
film creates.

So far I’ve had few complaints but my main problem with the
film is that it’s really dull. There are aliens - Fighting cowboys - With lasers
and stuff! But I felt really bored for most of the film and I was only really
interested in finding out about how Daniel Craig came to be in the desert with
a metal thing on his arm. I’m very surprised that the film wasn’t more exciting
and it doesn’t live up to its title. Another problem was that the script made
the action far too predictable. It is obvious for instance that Sam Rockwell’s
inability to shoot will turn around and he will save someone. It is also
obvious that Harrison Ford will admit to liking the Indian boy he bought up but
seems to dislike. Also, there is a rather obvious mention of dynamite which
comes back towards the end. The script is full of this sort of thing and everything
is laid out in giant capital letters with few surprises or twists.
The film could learn something from
Snakes on a Plane which is much more enjoyable. The film is played
completely straight and I think it would have benefited from a bit of camp or
even just a bit more comedy.
Overall the film has a really interesting idea at its centre
and is well acted by a solid cast but doesn’t live up to its premise and takes
itself too seriously.