Warm Bodies is a
loose retelling of Shakespeare’s Romeo
& Juliet but with a twist. Romeo or R (Nicholas Hoult) is a zombie,
living in a post apocalyptic world. He spends his days shuffling around a long
abandoned airport, looking for food and grunting. One day while out searching
for brains he comes across a group of young survivors and despite his
condition, falls in love with one of them, a girl called Julie (Teresa Palmer).
Going against his nature R saves Julie and takes her to a safe place. Something
about his love for Julie triggers a reaction inside R’s heart and he slowly
becomes more human but with armed militia out to kill zombies, will anyone
believe him?
Warm Bodies begins
with a fantastic idea. The film is mostly told from a zombie’s perspective
which I found really interesting. He has an internal monologue which is deep,
thoughtful and funny but outwardly is only able to produce a few groans.
Unfortunately the interest soon wears off in favour of the romantic elements.
While this is fine the film plays fast and loose with the zombie concept and
purists will struggle to engage with a fast moving, talking, sentient zombie.
There are some great ideas in Warm Bodies, chiefly the zombie point of view stuff but it gets
bogged down in romance and a poorly envisioned post apocalyptic world. The remaining
humans live in the centre of an unspecified US city, behind a giant wall yet on
the outside the world is covered in graffiti. I couldn’t help but wonder who
put it there. Were people running from brain eating zombies while tagging the
walls or did they use special graffiti parties to brave the other side of the
wall and quickly scrawl something. It felt like a cheap way of showing chaos
and destruction but in reality it makes no sense. I also had problems with the
depiction of zombies early on. R was far too human from the beginning and
indeed the zombies in Warm Bodies are
the least zombie like of any film I’ve seen. Because the zombies have to be the
good guys, the film creates creatures called Bonies to substitute for the
traditional zombie vs. human battle. The bonies CGI looks really bad and they
weren’t scary.

The film is occasionally funny and the humour is often dead
pan. The teenagers in the audience were laughing much more than myself which
shows the film is working with its target audience. It never matches the highs
of Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead though. Nicholas Hoult is quite good but I had
problems with his characterisation. As an actor though he is fine. Co-star
Teresa Palmer is also fine but never stands out and isn’t really memorable.
John Malkovich ham’s it up as Julie’s father and Rob Corddry is good. The
acting overall, much like the film is fine. It’s not special and not bad but
just there. Warm Bodies is full of
untapped potential and introduces some interesting ideas but a predictable
script and annoying characterisation prevent it from being anything more than
GFR 6/10
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