"Good God... I'm on Mars!"

The first thing I have to say about the film is that Disney should never have changed the title to John Carter from John Carter of Mars. This was done for the ridiculous reason that Disney executives believed that the Mars part of the title would put people off as not everyone wants to watch Science Fiction. They were obviously unaware that Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time and that 16 of the top 20 top grossing films of all time contain at least some science fiction or fantasy elements, whether it be Orcs, Wizards or Robots beating each other. The decision makes no sense. All one has to do is see the poster or trailer and it is pretty obvious that it is a sci-fi film. The first word spoken is ‘Mars’ for heavens sake!

The large battle scenes lack the heat, intensity and passion
of say Helms Deep in The Lord of the
Rings and are over in a matter of seconds. And because you know so little
about the protagonists, they just feel like faceless pixels. The entire quest
theme of the film is flat and dull. Carter spends much of the film trying to
get back to Earth but the character isn’t interesting enough for you to care if
he does or not. The costumes the human like character wear feel very Conan the Barbarian and as a result feel
a bit dated and cheap. The film isn’t camp enough to pull the look of the
costume off. On the plus side, the design of the film as a whole is excellent. The CGI is also excellent.
As I mentioned, the non humanoid aliens look terrific, as does their pet, a dog
like creature that happens to be the highlight of the film. The cities look
detailed and sumptuous and the ships feel mechanical and real. Unfortunately
the film reminded me too much of other, better films such as Star Wars and Gladiator and that just made me think “why am I not watching those
While the film is really just a simple love story
intertwined with the search for ones identity, it is complicated quite a bit by
the number of names, species and words which the script creates. Some people
have complained about this and while it is a bit confusing and off-putting at
times people forgave Star Wars its
Jedi, Sith and Midiclorians and Harry
Potter’s Dementors, Muggles and Horcruxes so perhaps John Carter deserves a break in this respect. Perhaps the reason it
has got so much flack for its Tharks, Xavarians and Sab Thans is because the
story isn’t compelling enough for the audience to want to take notice of what
all of those things are and understand what they mean. The script itself is ok
but hardly in Sorkin territory. There is quite a bit of cheesy dialogue. Usually
I’d overlook that in an action sci-fi film but when the writer has also been responsible
for penning Toy Story, Finding Nemo and
Wall:E its inexcusable. Andrew
Stanton is better than that. His scripts are usually funny, flowing and flawless
but that is not the case here.

In the end, the film didn’t keep my attention for long enough and the characters lacked the depth to make me worry about their fate. It ends very strongly though and I would go back to the world for a sequel.
- Additional - I have no opinion about the 3D in the film as I've given up with 3D on the whole and saw it in 2D. I'm fed up of paying more for an inferior product.
Despite occasional moments of silliness, the old-fashioned sense of adventure and brilliantly rendered aliens elevate this above other derivative big-budget sci-fi fare. I still wished that Kitsch did a lot better in this lead role but he was only there for eye-candy really. Good review.