"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Confederate States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all white people, Amen"

What you get is a sometimes interesting but often
uninspiring look at a fictionalised world which has a solid anti hate message
at its heart. I’d wanted to see the film for months as the American Civil War
is something that interests me but I won’t be recommending it to most people
unless they have a particular interest in American history or social studies.
The film is produced in a 4:3 aspect ratio to give the
appearance that it’s a television documentary. We are told at the beginning
that what we are about to see is a previously banned British documentary about
the C.S.A. and are read a disclaimer which tells us it may not be suitable for children
or ‘servants’. I was a little confused in the first couple of minutes as I wasn’t
expecting the film to be presented in this way and wasn’t sure which disclaimers
were real. When I read ‘servants’ though it was obvious we were in the film.

Another highlight was the racist commercials which pitched
products such as ‘Niggerhair Cigerettes’ and ‘Darky Toothpaste’ to white slave
owners. As well as being cheesy and incredibly racist I couldn’t believe the
audacity of making up such overtly offensive products. The closing credits
though contain a shock that is even more disgusting and outrageous. The film
plays with pop culture and real life events, subtly altering them to fit with
the fictionalised timeline. A 1955 film called I Married an Abolitionist is remarked upon. This is quite obviously
a riff on the propaganda film I Married a
Communist. Gone with the Wind becomes My
Northern Wind , a tale of a northern soldier falling for a southern girl
during the war. Famous faces get a mention and include Elvis Presley who is
arrested for spreading ‘Nigger Rock ‘n’ Roll’ from Canada and eventually relocates
north of the border. A fake film clip from silent film director D.W. Griffith, himself known for racial controversy with his film The Birth of a Nation, is shown which depicts the capture of Lincoln who is being helped by Harriet Tubman.

Where the film is successful is in its depictions of an intolerant
and racist society which although stretching history a little bit, America came
close to being. The film highlights the plight of not only black slaves but all
non whites as well as women. As a parable for history the film is excellent and
it can also be seen as a warning for the future. It is capped off by a shocking
revelation during the credits and produces some interesting if sometimes flawed
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