For years friends and colleagues who know of my interest in
films have been asking what I think of Midnight
Express. I’ve always had to apologise and say that I’ve never seen it. This
happened most recently last week and when I got home I finally remembered to
add it as a high priority to my LoveFilm account with the company duly
dispatching it just a couple of days later. Now when someone asks me what I
think of Midnight Express I will be
able to take them, though it might take some time. There is no doubting that
it’s a very good film but it wasn’t quite the film I was expecting and there
are one or two quite major problems with it.
The movie is based on a book by Billy Hayes, played here by
Brad Davis. While in Istanbul with his girlfriend,
Davis attempts to smuggle 2kg of hashish back to
the US
but is caught at the airport amid tighter security following a series of
Palestinian lead hijackings. Billy is arrested and sent to a Turkish jail where
he will spend the next several years.
It takes a little while for the film to get to the prison
scenes and before it did I enjoyed the scenes in both the airport and the Istanbul streets.
Initially it is obvious how nervous Billy is as beads of sweat drip from his
tense looking face. There is a moment of brief exaltation followed by blind
panic when he is caught in possession of the drugs. Billy doesn’t go straight
to jail though and there are a couple of scenes set in the bustling Istanbul streets which
had a lot of period charm to them. Billy’s first night in prison is rough and I
thought “OK, here we go, buckle up”, but then it took some time for things to
get rough again. For a long time I was wondering what all the fuss was about.
He was incarcerated which is by no means pleasant but generally his life wasn’t
all that bad. It took until about fifty minutes in before things started to
take a turn for the worse for our central character.

The film is very successful in creating a sense of
isolation, panic and fear for Billy and the other prisoners. This is first
exemplified in an early scene following Billy’s initial arrest. The scene has
him questioned and strip searched by Turkish Police and is presented without
subtitles (as indeed the whole film is). The audience’s lack of understanding
mirrors Billy’s and this confusion and terror helps us to empathise with the
character. The fish out of water feel of the film is continued right the way
through although over the years Billy is able to grasp a little of the language
and learn about his environment to assist in his survival. A prison movie isn’t
a prison movie without two things; homosexuality and an escape attempt. Midnight Express contains both although
one is brushed aside more than I had expected. There is one scene in which
Billy becomes close to a Swedish inmate and it feels a little out of place.
There is very little mention of homosexuality, sex or rape in the film but this
sequence almost feels as though it is shoe-horned in and then forgotten. Billy
also makes the point of politely declining to take things further after a
little homoeroticism, something which distorts the truth of the real man who
openly admits to being involved in homosexual acts. As for the escape attempt,
this is much better handled. There are some good planning scenes and a lot of
apprehension and elation before the characters come back down to Earth with a

I had a serious problem with the portrayal of the Turkish
characters. Without exception they were all sweaty, disgusting, stupid,
ignorant beasts and I found the film more than a little bit xenophobic. I
understand that they are on screen as the bag guys but I think the film went a
little too far and there wasn’t even one redeeming feature about any of the
Turkish characters. The film’s controversy regarding their depiction
subsequently caused the film’s Oscar winning writer Oliver Stone to apologise
publically and the real Billy Hayes has himself made it clear that he was disappointed
in their depiction. I personally think it puts a big black mark up against an
otherwise excellent film and the portrayal has infiltrated the minds of the
Western world in which Turks are often treated with more suspicion than those
of neighbouring nations. Thesis’ could and have been written about the film’s
xenophobic legacy.
For me one of the highlights was
the film’s score. It is a synth heavy, giallo inspired piece which reminded me
a lot of Vangelis. It was in fact composed by Italian Giorgio Moroder whose
synth styled electro music predates that of the Greek Vangelis. It’s a great
soundtrack which strangely works against the medieval looking Turkish prison.
Somehow the music fits perfectly and Moroder won an Oscar for his efforts.
Overall I thought that Midnight Express
was a dramatic and heavy film that was extremely well made but had some
fundamental flaws. The xenophobia is inexcusable and the story’s anti
establishment message makes a hero out of a criminal but in the end it’s tale
of injustice trounces the problems and it comes thorough as a highly memorable
film which carries a lot of weight.
- The movie was shot in Malta after the Turks (understandably) denied permission to shoot in Istanbul. They then persuaded both Israel and Italy to also refuse permission for filming.
- There are many differences between the real events and film and include that Billy was actually alone in Turkey, was never subject to sexual attacks and spent only a few days in the psychiatric hospital. He also never bit anyone's tongue out.
- The studio wanted Richard Gere to star but Gere refused to audition.
- John Hurt did not bath or shower for the entire shoot in order to get into character.
- The score was the first to win an Oscar for totally synthesised music.
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