A friend at work recently watched a film and since doing so
has been repeating the phrase “I have two guns, one for each of you” over, and
over again in a terrible American accent. The film in question is Tombstone,
a 1993 Western starring Kurt Russell and office favourite Val ‘the chameleon’
Kilmer. It was lent to me recently by my quoting friend and I watched it this
evening. I’ll be honest early on. I’ve never had much time for Westerns and
rarely seek them out but I do enjoy a really good one. I also don’t
particularly enjoy Val Kilmer on screen (though don’t tell my colleagues). With
these facts in mind I wasn’t expecting to get much from Tombstone but I really enjoyed it, thanks largely to a fun, if
slightly formulaic script and a fantastic, over the top performance from Val
Tombstone feels very much like a classic Western
and looks older than Unforgiven, the
Oscar winning movie which is younger by eighteen months. The premature aging
doesn’t work against the film but merely gives it a gravitas that I’d associate
with a classic Western of the late forties to mid sixties period. Even the plot
feels well trodden. Three brothers, one of whom is a former lawman (Kurt
Russell) relocate to Tombstone,
Arizona with their families in
the hope of earning their fortune. It soon becomes clear that the local law is
defenceless against a large gang of outlaws who call themselves The Cowboys.
Slowly the brothers and their friend Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer) begin to rid Tombstone of the gang but
at a high cost of human life.
The plot mirrors many Westerns and takes thematic aspects
from all over the genre. There is a retired peace officer who has to step up
for one more fight, a drunken gunslinger and gambler, a town under siege and a
violent gang. There are also themes of self sacrifice, redemption and new
beginnings and even a love story thrown in for good measure. Tombstone
knows its history and even incorporates the famous ending to Edwin S. Porter’s
1903 Western The Great Train Robbery
in its opening sequence. Even though there is little that is new here, I was
only occasionally bored by the film. I would have been happy with ten to
fifteen minutes being trimmed here and there and the romance felt shoe horned
in but overall the film is a lot of fun.

The Direction is classical but noticeably more modern than
the classics which the film closely resembles. There is much more movement and
added psychological plotting that you’re average Western. As much as I enjoyed Tombstone,
it isn’t without its problems. As I’ve already mentioned, it is too long and
there are also far too many characters that are given far too little screen
time. It appears that Kurt Russell himself noticed this in the edit and asked
that some of his scenes were edited or removed to give others more screen time.
The romantic plot feels half forgotten and is wasted until the very final scene
and it sometimes feels as though the script is trying to cram in a complete
history of The West into one film. One of the highlights of Tombstone
is Val Kilmer’s performance. He is larger than life and over the top but it
works along side Kurt Russell’s droll machismo and half closed eyes. Kilmer
generally steals all of his scenes and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him better.
Besides the leads, there are some great actors and not a poor performance to be
found. Sam Elliot and Bill Paxton are superb as the other Earp brothers and
Powers Boothe stands out as one of the villains.
Overall Tombstone is a
lot of fun but it has many faults. It features a conventional but slightly
modernised Western story and some really good performances. It looks good and
the town of Tombstone
looks exactly as you’d want it to but there are problems with the script which
can’t be ignored and they spoil what could have been a classic.
- The film's original Director Kevin Jarre was fired early on in the production and it is rumoured that Kurt Russell ghost Directed.
- Willem Defoe was wanted for the role of Doc Holliday but Buena Vista refused to distribute the film if he was cast due to the controversy over The Last Temptation of Christ.
- The Director went on record to say that all of the moustaches and lightening were real.
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